Vibration of the purrs by Arthur.O
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Vibration of the purrs (2023)

All effortlessness is irrational. I am of the view that the greatest good has to be irrational. Take love, for example, it’s not love if its rational. Even for the divine; the least erroneous, and most rational conception of divinity by man should be irrational realm, for where it is rational, human reason would be able to perceive of its totality. Rationality is the limitation of reason. Irrationality is the experience of divinity in man. Irrationality is 
unconditional. Love unconditionally. Vibrate your natural frequencies without limitation of the quest for understanding. Let go.

Medium: Acrylics and charcoal on canvas.
Size: 100.5 by 110 cm.
Year: 2023.
Price: USD. 1,700.