Untitled (Security Camera) by Jake Greenup
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Untitled (Security Camera) (2022)

Jake Greenup
This project, entitled Watching You, Watching Me, considers the correlation between public surveillance systems and the act of observation. The objective of Watching You, Watching Me is to question the mystique of security cameras, by placing the public/viewer in a place of observation that counteracts the traditional dynamic of public surveillance as a privatized form of control. The project is intended to provoke questions related to surveillance and the act of observation. 
          Watching You, Watching Me is comprised of photographs of publicly accessible security cameras, the lenses of which have been fixated within a circular form. The resulting images of security camera lenses are abstracted due to their shape, clarity, and inaccessibility. These security camera images are not intended to replicate what each security camera sees, but rather to provide ambiguous glimpses of reality, that allow the viewer to make their own interpretation of what security cameras observe. 
          Included alongside the security camera images is a documentary-style photograph of a security control room. The control room photograph is included to provide an internal perspective of the observational dialog that Watching You, Watching Me engages with conceptually.